Purchases From The EU
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The EU has put on us certain rules in an effort to punish the UK for leaving the block. This has had a direct impact on those wishing to purchase from Epoxy.ltd who live within the EU
This means that we can only send to certain EU countries and there are rules which we have to meet.
Each box that we send must be an order over £150 GBP
We must complete customs forms on each shipment
If you have a tax identification number or PID that must be put on the forms that we submit from this end
The Duty and Tax are collected from you by a third party working on the instructions of the customs for your country
You must give us an email address and a mobile phone number that you monitor
You will receive instructions through the mobile and /or the Email for you to pay these charges. Note this is nothing to do with Epoxy.ltd
If you fail to pay these charges the companies acting on behalf of the customs will destroy the parcel. we will not give any money back to you if this happens it is between you and the customs of your country and the EU and no claim will be entertained by Epoxy.ltd and or associated companies.
Payments to us must be made through XE exchange. we have tried bank to bank but the EU banks and the UK banks keep changing the exchange rate and adding charges so we do not get the full amount.
XE exchange is a recognized banking firm. there is a very good app that is available via the app stores on your phones

Click on sign in or get the app whichever you need

You will then be taken to another page to fill out our bank details which you will find on the bottom of your invoice from us
you will be asked to select a reason for payment we use either family support or bill payment these have the lowest charges and go through with the least hassle
you will be asked to confirm your transaction and at that point, the exchange rate is locked in for this transaction you will then have a payment page
enter your card details on the payment page or opt to pay by wire or eft electronic funds transfer if you do this you will receive payment instructions for you to pay from your bank to a local bank in your country. you will also receive a reference number you must use this on your transfer to xe exchange
you will receive emails or texts telling you they have your money another telling you it has been sent and another telling you it has been paid into our bank
xe is the only way we will return any money if we have to it is the only way we seem to get full payment
Please paste and copy this code to show you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions and send it to Lara [email protected]
code 12107789