YM Junior

The 13’6″ feet (4.12) meters, is a half deck centreboard dinghy.
She is designed to be sailed with the main sheet in hand and compared to many modern dinghies she comes over on the heavy side, having said that she is stable and predictable and a delight to take children out in to learn to sail she makes an excellent expedition dinghy with plenty of storage. she is able to stand up to hard weather and her construction makes her robust and easily repairable.
YM Senior

Yachting Monthly senior 16 ft 0 inches (4.87 m )
Yachting Monthly Senior, is the larger sister to the Junior,She has a small cabin for two to allow overnighting yes snug but very cosey. This little craft will self right stand up to a blow and is a great little coastal hopper.
She can be built as a centre boarder or with ballast keel and bilge plates these little boats were pulled behind small family cars and made interesting coastal and estuary trips.
YM Wild Duck

Yachting Monthly Wild Duck
Wild Duck is a 19ft 0 inch (5.8 m ) proper ship , a ship that will stand up to real offshore passages a sweet lined powerful yacht. These little boats have made safe passages when bigger craft have hidden away in port a ship not a boat.
Simple construction all parts can be laminated up using epoxy and ply by sheathing the hull a really strong little craft can be made giving good accommodation for two , three at a push.
YM 3 Tonner

Yachting Monthly 3 Tonner
The 3 Tonner is a traditional yacht that can be built of strip planking on plywood frames and epoxy cloth sealed making a strong dry boat with sweet lines that would like right at place in any yachting centre.
She can have up to 4 berths but for me a simple 2 /3 berth layout with lots of space is the way I would go. a small yacht that deals with passagemaking like a big yacht.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce congue, lacus id finibus aliquet, diam erat fringilla quam, vestibulum eleifend nisl leo eget massa. Donec a vulputate nulla. Praesent interdum erat mollis est lacinia blandit. Nullam non nibh imperdiet, ornare diam id, posuere ante.
YM E24 Early
Yachting Monthly Eventide 24 (early) (7.3 m)
This little craft was intended to be light enough to be towed by a 2 litre car easy enough to be built by anyone who could cut a straight line and drill a hole. There where many layouts put in by their owners but the best was a simple open plan with two berths however the most popular was the 3 / 4 berth layout.
being simple to build and tough as old boots made the eventide a popular boat to build and own , many boats were built all over the world with sail number 8 bore bee being the most famous . this little craft was built in singapore and sailed to the uk when her owner got posted back to the uk . She went aground on a coral reef and the crew got over the side and pushed her off and she continued without damage. the more you loaded these little craft the harder they stood up to their canvas.
An easy boat to build with today’s epoxies everything can be laminated up and a cheap very seaworthy craft can be built.
YM Eventide

YM E Study Sheet
The most up to date version of the eventide plans, shows modifications to the hull including a full length keel a longer coach roof and updated ballast keel.
These improvements including a better square rudder blade were produced as another design called athena, Maurice gave the Eventide owners association permission to modify there eventide plans to incorporate these improvements.
by extending the stations to give an overall length of 27 feet 3 inches you get a graceful curve and a very sea kindly hull.
These boats make great offshore passages in safety and great comfort, they can use cheap drying moorings and give good accomodation.
By the use of modern epoxy a hull can be built cheaply and quickly and hardwood can be laminated meaning costs can be reduced
YM Goosander

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce congue, lacus id finibus aliquet, diam erat fringilla quam, vestibulum eleifend nisl leo eget massa. Donec a vulputate nulla. Praesent interdum erat mollis est lacinia blandit. Nullam non nibh imperdiet, ornare diam id, posuere ante.
YM Mouette

A note from the designer.
Customers are essential, if it is a good design each customer will generate good customers. I do not believe in spending money just for show.
Note from Epoxy.ltd This was written in a mixture of languages but we have tried to get his meaning without changing it too much. we believe that he was saying, that Mouette is a simple but seaworthy design able to be built with limited tools and resources allowing the owner to go on cheap adventures safely
YM Waterwitch

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Title | Action | |
Deck Plan | Download | |
Keel Bilge Keel and Construction Details | Download | |
Construction Plan | Download | |
Sail Plan Yawl | Download | |
Sail Plan Sloop | Download | |
General Arrgt Aft Cockpit | Download | |
Centre Cockpit Layout | Download | |
Lines Offsets | Download | |
Accommodation Cr Cockpit | Download | |
Frames Bulkheads | Download | |
Study Sheets | Download |